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This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Jimmy Sullivan AKA(The REV) who was born in United States on February 10, 1981 and passed away on December 28, 2009. The REV was one of the best drummers of all time, He was the drummer for the rock band Avenged Sevenfold. So young to be called away from your family, friends and fans, But yes God had a plan the Angels needed another drummer in Heaven and you were called to join. Your no longer here with us on earth but you will live forever in our hearts and in all of the wonderful memories that you have brought to us will live in us forever! Our hearts are broken and the tears fall like rain, But I know that one day we will hear you play thoes drums live again. May God Bless each one of your loved ones and all of your fans and give them, the strength to carry on, till the day that we meet again! We love you and miss you so very much! 

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Jimmy Sullivan AKA The Rev Jimmy Sullivan AKA The Rev Jimmy Sullivan AKA The Rev
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